2008 has indeed been a very interesting year filled with a lot of trials and blessings. There have been subtractions and additions. The beginning of 2008 seemed to have come in quite well as I had aquired a job with Wilshire Credit Corporation but found that it was very much like another company that I had worked for, for 7 years. April of 2008 I was informed that I was not going to be converted to a full time employee for Wilshire so the temp agency stated that I was no longer on assignment with them. So off to unemployment land I went. After feverishly looking for a job I found that due to the extremely high unemployment rate in Salem, Oregon it was not looking favorable. In July of 2008 I decided to move back to Arizona to seek employment. A friend had extended an invitation to come stay with her and her husband rent free until I got a job and was on my feet. I sold everything that I owned and pack up my 92 Honda Accord and moved on down, with the financial help of my daughter and son in law, and my youngest son. They blessed me with the funds to get my car ready for the journey and for the long trip. God really blessed me. I was stepping out in faith on this one and little did I know that He had a job for me. Just before leaving I was contacted by Humana to interview onced I arrived.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New place I can call home
A lot has happened since my last post. I moved into my own place as of Nov 1st. It is a one bedroom apartment that is only about 10 minutes from work. Now that is drive time not walk time. It would be a long walk. Believe me I was looking for a place within walking distance but they carried a hefty price tag and I was not willing to use one paycheck for rent. Well, this new place of mine as I said prior is a one bedroom but the monthly price comes with all the utilities included which will be great during the summer. I can leave the A/C on all day so when I get home it will be nice and cool. There is a 2 pools and 2 laundry rooms. It is not the Hilton but it is a place I can rest my head and call home. I am still sticker shocked by the prices of apartments here versus Oregon but that is the way that it goes. I am slowly putting it all together. I now only need a sofa and a bed. Oh, and some kitchen things. I have received some nice things from family and friends so now all I really need is the sofa. I am just waiting to get this all together then I am going to have a house warming party. It will be fun.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Joy in my life
I can only PRAISE the Lord for all that He has done in my life thus far. I have had some trials that have held me back but I know that there is victory and that my Father in Heaven is with me the entire time. Each breathe I take, each step that I walk, He is there. I have found joy in that and I am living in the day He has made and rejoicing and being glad in it. Even though I have had some set backs I still see the joy of the Lord. I want to be filled with His wisdom and peace. I want to be able to see each and everything that is not working for me right now as just another thing that will bring me closer to Him. He is the author and finisher of my faith. In His time I will have my car working, a place of my own, and find a church home. I want to grow closer to Him and realize His will for my life. I am slowly getting there but I know that I will get there. I can only praise Him in the midst of the problems and move on. I pray constantly to have Him fill me with His joy. To protect me from satan from his attempts to defeat me. I know that I will be victorious because I have the Power of the Living God. The creator of the Universe. How can you lose a battle when you have the Lord going before you. The answer to that is....you cannot lose.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Alot has happen since the last blog. I am now living in Mesa, Arizona. I have a job that will be starting on the 18th of August with a company called RightSource RX which subsides under the umbrella of a company called Humana. I will be paid a very good starting wage and am truly excited to get started. I know that this was a door that the Lord opened for me and now I am on my way to a successful life. It will take a bit of time to get all my ducks in a row so that I can get a place of my own. I am anxious to see what more will be coming my way. I need to find a new church home and I want to be faithful to my dedication to the Lord in this adventure He has in store for me. There is alot more but I will have to write that later.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The count down
Down to the last minute...ugh! I hate having to be pushed to the wall when trying to get anything done and I am there again...some how I have to figure out how to get out of this horrible habit. I believe that this time it was not all under my control. I am leaving or shall I say I have scheduled my departure for 2 am on the 30th and tomorrow is the 29th. Well, my car is not quite ready for the trip and I need to have it so that I can get everything packed in it for my move to AZ. I still have things to sort through but I do not know if the things I have boxed up will all fit in my car. You see, I can only take things with me that will fit in my car. Let me set the stage for you. I have a 92 Honda Accord 2 door. If you have any interest in knowing what it looks like you can google it and find that it does create a packing challenge. I have had to sell almost everything I had in order to move. It is a little scary to know that I will not have much once I get there but in a odd way it will be sort of exciting. It is an adventure, nothing like Indiana Jones adventure but none the less an adventure for me. I originally moved from Yuma, AZ Nov. 98 and now I am going back...oh, not to Yuma, to Mesa but it is still in AZ and it is still hot. I have been in Oregon for the past 10 years. I have become accustom to the weather here...there will be a lot of adapting...it may take a few years, so hopefully I will win the lottery and I can move back to Oregon. HA HA!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Change of Life
Well, one thing I have learned is to never say "never", because it will come back and bite you. Back in November of 98 I made the statement that I would never move back to Arizona again. I made that statement quite often during the past 9 years. Suddenly, without any warning I was thrust into a situation that has made me rethink that position, so, as of July 30th, 2008 I will be moving back to Arizona. This time I will be living in Mesa. I will be living with some very caring friends until I get back on my feet. I have thought it through and though I really do not want to leave I have to due to the lack of employment. I cannot live on the small amount of unemployment any longer. It has cause stress beyond belief. My younger brother and his family have been gracious to let me live with them but I cannot do this any longer. As I have gone to the Lord, I now know that this is a plan of His for me. I will be living near my two sons. One of which is married and will have a child in January of 2009. I will be able to renew my relationship with him and build one with my daughter in law. I will be able to be around my new grandbaby which I am really excited about. There is one downfall to this and that is that I am going to be farther away from my daughter and her family and the new grandbaby that is due in November. That really hurts, especially having to miss the birth of my second grandchild. I will be heartbroken not to be able to visit with my precious little granddaughter V. She is getting so big and I am going to miss that. But, I have faith that the Lord will provide a good paying job so that I will be able to go visit them. As for now, I am just getting my mind wrapped around moving into the flames...oh the heat of the AZ summer.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Time to move on!
I have come to the conclusion that I have held onto a thorn in my side long enough. I have decided in order to make a clean start I must clear out the bad and not take it with me. I am speaking of the lawsuit against one of my previous employers. I have decided I have wasted way too much time, energy, thought, etc on them. I have allowed them to continue on controlling much of my life. I have to learn to practice what I preach....I have told people on many occasions that they need to look at things that people have done to them that wronged them the way Paul did...example, he made the statement, Alexander the silversmith has done me much evil, let the Lord repay him for his works. It is time now for me to do the same thing. I want to be free of this once and for all, so as I get my things ready to move I am not going to be taking any of the paperwork that I have held onto for these past couple years. I will be shredding them and letting it go. I am just tired of it all. I must remember that my riches do not lie here on earth but in heaven and if the Lord wants to bless me then it will come from Him not man or a court room. It is now over! That part of my life is just another job listed on my resume but is not consuming me as it has.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Now on to my granddaugther, she is a pure delight. She is a very curious little girl. I am anxious to watch her as she grows up to be a beautiful young woman. She has been blessed with great parents. They love the Lord and hold on to the christian principles that God's Word shows how we should walk the path of righteousness. I know that she will be smart, funny, silly, creative, and full of love. How could you not love her. I will a life time of love to give her and I cannot wait to her her call me Nana for the first time. My heart has been stolen and that is ok because it is in the best hands and that is my granddaughter Veronica Storey Scellick.
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