How exciting it will be to spend this Christmas with my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. It is only 1 day until they arrive. This will be my little angel's very first Christmas. I know that she will not understand the present thing but as a grandma I think that it is a rule that I must spoil her by showering her with gifts. I know that more than likely she will turn most of her attention to the wrapping paper and the boxes rather than what is inside them but it still will be a lot of fun. We are going to have an early birthday celebration for her since I will not be able to be with her for her birthday party. Because of that I had to get her a birthday present as well. Oh, and yes it is also in the grandparents rule book (I think it may be in chapter 3 page 2) that the toys that I get for her make sound and at some time be a tad bit annoying to the parents. It is an obligation not just a mere suggestion. So with that I made sure I followed the policies and procedures of the gift giving protocol to your grandchildren. I made sure that I followed it to the letter. Lights, music, rattles, etc. Everything a child would need for fun. The other thing is to make sure that you can secure a great rationalization on how it is educational. I have learned it so well now that it doesn't even sound scripted anymore. Practice makes perfect.
We are going to get together with other family members on Christmas eve for dinner, games, and other fun things. It promises to be a very exciting Christmas.
To come to the end of this I just have to thank God that He gave me such a blessed gift of a daughter and her husband and granddaughter. They are wonderful. Father God gave me the best things in life even when I really did nothing to deserve it. That is love for you. That is why I love Him with all of my heart and will always love Him. Thank you Father for family, children, grandchildren. You have given me so much more than money could ever buy.
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