Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas 2007

How exciting it will be to spend this Christmas with my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. It is only 1 day until they arrive. This will be my little angel's very first Christmas. I know that she will not understand the present thing but as a grandma I think that it is a rule that I must spoil her by showering her with gifts. I know that more than likely she will turn most of her attention to the wrapping paper and the boxes rather than what is inside them but it still will be a lot of fun. We are going to have an early birthday celebration for her since I will not be able to be with her for her birthday party. Because of that I had to get her a birthday present as well. Oh, and yes it is also in the grandparents rule book (I think it may be in chapter 3 page 2) that the toys that I get for her make sound and at some time be a tad bit annoying to the parents. It is an obligation not just a mere suggestion. So with that I made sure I followed the policies and procedures of the gift giving protocol to your grandchildren. I made sure that I followed it to the letter. Lights, music, rattles, etc. Everything a child would need for fun. The other thing is to make sure that you can secure a great rationalization on how it is educational. I have learned it so well now that it doesn't even sound scripted anymore. Practice makes perfect.
We are going to get together with other family members on Christmas eve for dinner, games, and other fun things. It promises to be a very exciting Christmas.
To come to the end of this I just have to thank God that He gave me such a blessed gift of a daughter and her husband and granddaughter. They are wonderful. Father God gave me the best things in life even when I really did nothing to deserve it. That is love for you. That is why I love Him with all of my heart and will always love Him. Thank you Father for family, children, grandchildren. You have given me so much more than money could ever buy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Raw Talent

Little does my youngest son know but I admire him greatly for his raw talent and extreme abilities. He is a wonderful musician. Self taught and accomplished on many different instruments. It is really amazing how good he is and what an ear for music. He composes, sings and plays. Wow! I am a bit envious of all his talent, but mostly very proud to call him my son! I was blessed by God with great children and I am so happy that they have all grown up to be followers of Jesus Christ.
Thank you Father God!

God is Gracious

One of the most beautiful moments in a mother's life is to see their children grow up and get married.
God is gracious and found a wonderful young lady for my son to be his wife. He wanted to get married and have children but he did not know anyone but the Lord did and brought this lovely couple together, just as he did for my daughter in 2002. I don't know why but I still get amazed at the hand of the Lord and how He loves us so much.
" Father God, you are so gracious. You are awesome and worthy of our praise and adoration. You are our creator. You knew us before we were formed. Your love gave us the sacrifice of your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. How much more do you have to do to show us that you love us unconditionally? You are my Father, my Savior, my protector, my provider, my friend, you are my everything. Father, as you have told us that we can ask for the desires of our hearts and that you will give them to us according to your perfect will. So, Father God, I ask now that you bless my son and his wife with wisdom, strength, love for each other and to be a couple after your own heart. I ask that you will bring to them financial security, that not only their needs be met but that they have monies to have the ability to do things that they would like to do. Father, I ask now that you would bless them with a house of their own, one that would be big enough for them and their future children. I pray now for the time that they decide to bring children into this world. That they will train them up in the way they are to go and that when they are old they will not depart from it. Bless them as parents when the time comes with healthy children. Free from any deformities. Full of life, zest, and love. Father, I thank you that you love them so much. I thank you for answering my prayers for all of my children. I ask this all in the powerful and wonderful name of Jesus."

Monday, April 2, 2007

Life is too short

Life is too short to hold on to the past and keep it as a part of your everyday life. There is no reason to let it rule you and dominate your every thought, action, and deed. I have found that there is a REAL difference in holding on to the past and recognizing it as a training tool. Learning from it is ok but to live in it is not. You lose friends that way.

My little angel

She is growing up so fast! My darling little angel.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

You might be from the Northwest if you understand this

You might be from the Northwest if you:

Feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash.

Use the expression "sun break" and know what it means.

Know more people who own boats than air conditioners.

Feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.

Stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the
"Walk" signal.

Consider that if it has no snow or has not recently
erupted, it's not a real mountain.

Know the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye

Know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Issaquah, Oregon,
and Willamette.

Consider swimming an indoor sport.

Can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese, and
Thai food.

In winter, go to work in the dark and come home in the
dark- while only working eight-hour days.

Never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho.

Are not fazed by "Today's forecast: showers followed by
rain, and Tomorrow's forecast: rain followed by showers."

You can't wait for a day with "showers and sun breaks."

Have no concept of humidity without precipitation.

Know that Boring is a town in Oregon and not just a state
of mind.

Can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you can't see
them through the cloud cover.

Say, "The mountain is out" when it's a pretty day and you
can actually see it.

Put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50, but
still wear your hiking boots and parka.

Switch to your sandals when it gets above 60, but keep the
socks on.

Have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.

Think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or

Knew immediately that the view out "Frasier's" window was

Buy new sunglasses every year, because you can't find the
old ones after such a long time.

Switch from "heat" to "a/c" in the same day. You use a down
comforter in the summer.

Your grandparents drive 65 mph through 2 feet of water
during raging rainstorm without flinching.

Design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under(or over) a
Know that driving is better in the winter because almost
everybody stays home.

Think sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel pajamas.
Actually understand these comments and forward them to all
your friends in Washington or Oregon or those who used to live here.

Baby Conductor

My granddaughter has a very rare talent.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't ever forget!

Not PC

Political Correctness??? Really. let's see. Ok, put yourself in this situation. You are out on break having a cigarette in the designated smoking area. Chatting with others that are out there. You break into a group of maybe 2 or 3 including you. You are talking about life, relationships, children, whatever. Now mind you there are others out there just hanging out or doing the same as you are doing. Then, sometime later you find that there was a note from a manager of the company in your Employee file saying that 2 people heard you making racial remarks and criticizing hispanic children. Now you are really distrubed about this because this is the first time you have seen or heard of this, but it is in your permenant file. Ok, now what would you think? You the audience>Well, I was upset and there are points I want to make about all of this POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.
1.) What were these 2 people doing eavesdropping in on a private conversation. People should respect other people's right to speak freely. The first amendment gives us all the right to do that.
2.) Since they were not apart of the conversation then how do they really know what was all said. Are they sure that they heard things right? Taking in consideration with the fact that there are sometimes upwards to over 30 people out in the same area, all talking, all trying to be heard, laughing, venting, whatever. The noise level sometimes gets quite high.So are they sure of what they heard.
3.) If you are offended about something that you have heard then why not go directly to the people involved. Ask them about it. Set the story straight, instead of running to someone and telling on them. Come on now. We are suppose to be adults.
4.) Since when is it others peoples rights to tell you what you are to speak about. This is a big world and you cannot make everyone agree with you nor can you go along in life thinking that you will never come across someone that may just say something or have a view that you do not like.
5.) Last but not least......MY CHILDREN ARE HISPANIC. How does that grab you???
So, what does that tell you??? People get a life and stay out of mine. Check out reality alittle, it may just help you as you go through this time we have on this world.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My Beautiful Granddaughter

Sleeping Beauty

Happy little angel

That was really funny Mom

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Take me to another place

Dreams and wishes for my life is to take a trip to Scotland. My heritage, seek out things that would get me in touch with my past family and history. I have wanted to go there for years now. Long before I knew I was linked to Scotland I have wanted to see the beauty of this country. I know that one day I will get there. Who knows, maybe I may just find that it is my destiny to be there and stay.

What does my birth month mean?

Your Birth Month is November
Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years. You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian. Your soul reflects: Compassion, friendship, and secret love Your gemstone: Citrine Your flower: Chrysanthemum Your colors: Dark blue, red, and yellow

Yes this is me

You Are 80% Republican
You have a good deal of elephant running through your blood, and you're proud to be conservative. You don't fit every Republican stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Republican party.